For EOD / Bomb Technicians

Only HazMasterG3 Delivers Comprehensive HME/IED and EOD / WTI Forensic Intelligence

No other system available, commercial or military, provides this broad array of critical EOD, counter-IED and Home Made Explosives (HME) capabilities in an unclassified system:

  • Ordnance ID for 5,500+ pieces of ordnance for over 50 countries world-wide, with expanded guidance for former Warsaw Pact Munitions.

  • Improvised trigger identification for over 11,000+ components.

  • Calculate standoff distances and blast consequences for simple or complex real-world threats using civilian or military guidance.

  • Identify dual-use precursors for the production of HME and explosives, chem-warfare/WMD, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines.

  • Identify consumer product sources of dual-use precursors, and their key components.

  • Comprehensive breaching and disposal shot setup and standoff calculators.
  • Interactive clandestine lab identification tool – select what is observable on-scene, and the system will generate a report indicating likely uses for the lab based on the on-scene indicators.

  • Identify typical industrial uses and processes that utilize HME and explosives precursors.

  • Integrated X-Ray, disrupter operations, shock tube and electronics calculators.

  • Virtually mix an unlimited number of agents to identify probable dual-use precursor outcomes.

  • Virtually mix chemicals to identify explosions, toxic gas emissions and many other hazardous chemical reactions.

  • Virtually mix chemicals to predict probable HME and CWA outcomes.

  • Virtually mix precursors to model HME formulation yields based on indicators found on-scene.

  • Crater estimation tool to estimate the NEW used to create a given crater.

  • Automatically integrate selected ordnance into disposal shots.

  • Identify which detector(s) are suitable for detection of specified HME precursors.

  • Sensitive site exploitation tools tailored for HME and narcotics uses.

  • Foreign term exploitation for seven high-priority languages.

  • Advanced breaching calculator for tactical operations.

  • BLEVE calculator for calculating boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion hazards.

  • Comprehensive response guidance: protective clothing, respirators, exposure hazards, isolation zones, first aid and much more for chemical, biological and radiological threats.

  • US DHS certified and designated anti-terrorism technology.

3D Blast Bubble

HazMasterG3®'s capabilities have been combat-proven in various theaters of operation including Iraq and Afghanistan, where it has replaced inadequate legacy systems. It is also the system of choice with many civilian agencies and responders. In the real world, HME and IEDs/Explosives are threats that may occur as part of more complex CBRNE incidents. HazMasterG3® provides unmatched CBRNE capabilities in one integrated package. And it is the only system available that has earned U.S. DHS certification and designation as an anti-terrorism technology that provides this spectrum of capabilities on a broad range of devices, from smart cell phones, handhelds, tablets and laptop/desktop computers.

Comprehensive Integrated HazMat/CBRNE Capabilities

167,000+ integrated agents make HazMasterG3® the most comprehensive decision aid available. HazMasterG3® integrates 167,000+ chemical, biological, radiological agents, trade names, explosives and IEDs with extensive threat identification capabilities into a fast and easy to use decision support system.
