HazMasterG3® deployed with U.S. Army's XVIII Airborne Corps


Returning from deployments as part of the war on terror, operational units from the Army's XVIII Airborne Corps identified a critical need to replace their legacy CBRNE decision support tools, which proved to fall short of the capabilities needed to prosecute the war on terror.  They were also looking for a system that could serve double duty and provide them with state-of-the-art CBRNE force protection capabilities that met their demanding requirements.

Following extensive operational evaluations against other CBRNE decision support systems, HazMasterG3® was selected for deployment.  Additionally, HazMasterG3®'s ease of use exceeded the evaluation team's expectations, and was qualified for use down to the rank of Private.  Since the evaluation, Alluviam has delivered ruggedized, handheld HazMasterG3® systems to operational divisions and companies throughout the XVIII Airborne Corps.

"We're pleased that the Army's XVIII Airborne Corps chose to deploy HazMasterG3®.  We were confident that in any objective evaluation based on real-world operational criteria, HazMasterG3® would come out on top.  Not only did HazMasterG3® come out on top, but it easily exceeded the baseline operational test requirements expected of the system," said Chris Miguel, an Alluviam representative.  "We also learned that just two days after receiving their systems, the system was successfully used during a mission, and positively confirmed the precursor outcome of an uncovered chemical cache - providing the on-scene unit commander critical situational awareness previously unavailable."

About Alluviam LLC
Alluviam develops highly mobile, best of breed solutions for emergency response, homeland security, forensics, law enforcement, emergency medical services and industrial emergency response.  Alluviam has provided its patent-pending technologies to a broad range of US Government, state and local agencies, including defense, law enforcement and intelligence agencies.  Alluviam's technology is the only mobile DoD COE/JTA compliant HazMat/CBRNE/IED decision aid available, and is the only system that provides full functionality and interoperability on devices ranging from smart cell phones, to handheld and laptop/desktop computers.  For more information/OEM opportunities contact Alluviam LLC, www.alluviam.com, info@alluviam.com, 510-315-1974

Media Relations
510 315-1974