Advanced decontamination and neutralization guidance for over 10,000 materials and tradenames, an expanded ordnance database and additional home made explosives precursors (HME) are just some of the new capabilities found in version 21 of Alluviam’s HazMasterG3 CBRNE/HME decision support...
Alluviam Delivers Unrivaled Hand-held HazMat/WMD Identification and Response System
Alluviam LLC has released HazMasterG3™, new third generation software for terrorism and hazardous materials response. This unique, patent-pending system excels in scenarios involving unidentified materials. Prior to HazMasterG3™, existing software products were of no use if first responders didn’t know in advance what materials were involved.
In real life, however, first responders may arrive on-scene at an emergency, finding that there is no documentation of the hazardous materials encountered. Likewise, a terrorist will not identify the materials being used in an attack. With HazMasterG3™, a first responder simply selects material attributes observed on-scene, which the system uses to instantly identify hazardous materials from its database of over 650,000 material attributes. Only HazMasterG3™, with its proprietary technology can answer questions like: Which hazardous materials are green gases and heavier than air? Or, what clear or brown liquids have a fruity smell.
Expediting Observation to Action
Having identified a material, HazMasterG3™ provides a huge database of standard operating procedures and emergency response guides for first responders, including government approved incident isolation and protective action zones, protective gear, health issues, first aid procedures, and much more. Because Alluviam understands that not all first responders have specialized hazmat or WMD training, HazMasterG3™ incorporates easy to understand, graphical working aides and tools tailored for responders with only basic emergency response certification. Worried about reactivity? The system has that built in, too. In fact, its database of over 61,000 hazardous materials, trade names and synonyms is by far the largest reference available on any handheld system.
Flexible Deployment Options
Because HazMasterG3™ is based on cross platform Java technology, it runs on many platforms such as cell phones, PDA’s based on Palm OS, Pocket PC’s, laptop and desktop computers running Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS-X, or even in a web browser. HazMaster-G3 can run on an in-vehicle computer, or can be deployed on a ruggedized handheld device for the ultimate in portability. This train-once, deploy-anywhere solution provides tremendous training and deployment benefits for first responders.
The Next Generation
Has your legacy software peaked out and left you looking for something more powerful? Were its promised anti-terrorism features mostly snake oil comprised of publications you could have downloaded for free anyway? Then its time to step up to HazMasterG3™, the only third generation hazmat response software specifically designed for terrorism and unknown material identification and response. HazMasterG3™ features patent pending terrorism response capabilities to support the mission of first responders, truly meeting the needs of today's environment. Where the competition stops, HazMaster just gets started!