HazMasterG3® Delivers Unsurpassed HAZMAT, Chem/Bio/WMD Capabilities


HazMasterG3® version 7.0, released today, allows responders in the field to instantly access and identify 91,000+ hazardous TICs, TIMs, chemical warfare and biological agents - all integrated onto a wireless handheld device.  Plus, HazMasterG3® can now identify dual-use precursors for explosives, chemical warfare agents and several types of narcotics.  HazMasterG3® defines the state-of-the-art in forensic and investigative capabilities, allowing users to virtually mix agents in real-time and model their expected reactions, in addition to mixing dual-use precursors to model and identify probable outcomes.

HazMasterG3® is the only solution that is ready for international operations, including accredited codes and standard operating procedures required for use by NATO, the UK and European Union.   HazMasterG3® builds on its existing capabilities as the most comprehensive chemical agent risk assessment tool (CARAT™), adding integrated access to Acute Exposure Guidelines (AEGLs), odor level thresholds, and Military Exposure Guidelines (MEGs) for air, water and soil contaminants, on top of the existing levels of concern already embedded in the system.

HazMasterG3® has been rated the best terrorism response decision aid for first responders in competitive analyses by several agencies.  It contains the largest and most comprehensive chemical, biological, IED and response database of any mobile response decision aid. For terrorism response, its real power is the intuitive use of physical properties or victim’s on-scene signs and symptoms to identify unknown agents without any other known identifiers, an important patent pending capability that is unique to HazMasterG3®.  HazMasterG3® also provides isolation distances, improvised explosive device standoff distances, on-line help, and evidentiary quality incident accountability for real-time wireless reporting, training, after-action review or integration with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

HazMasterG3® is the only product of its kind capable of handling terrorism threats in the new millennium. With this new generation of tool, first responders can approach unknown emergency situations with more confidence. In the words of Chief Mike Chard, an 18-year veteran responding to hazardous materials incidents, “Hazmaster software has proven itself in the field to our hazmat team in its reliability, ease of use under pressure situations, and accuracy. To put it simply HazMaster is a great product!”

Other products are little more than a collection of static documents shrunk down into a portable device. HazMasterG3® is a third-generation solution with patent-pending methods and technologies that make it a truly revolutionary tool for first responders. HazMasterG3® is the only system capable of running with full capabilities on desktop computers, laptops, handheld devices and even smart cellular phones with no loss of functionality, for true train-once-deploy-anywhere interoperability.

And if that isn’t enough HazMasterG3®’s best-of-breed functionality is budget friendly, allowing wider deployment to first responders in the field while delivering savings over existing legacy systems. Version 7.0 is available now directly from Alluviam, and from a number of resellers.

About Alluviam LLC
Founded in 2002, Alluviam LLC is dedicated to providing highly mobile, best-of-breed mission critical applications for field use.  From terrorism to emergency response, Alluviam LLC provides a range of applications that run on small embedded devices, handhelds, smart cell phones and desktop computers.

Contact Information
Alluviam LLC
4061 East Castro Valley Blvd. #224
Castro Valley, California  94552