Advanced decontamination and neutralization guidance for over 10,000 materials and tradenames, an expanded ordnance database and additional home made explosives precursors (HME) are just some of the new capabilities found in version 21 of Alluviam’s HazMasterG3 CBRNE/HME decision support...
HazMasterG3 Demonstrates Superiority Over Legacy Systems
Alluviam is pleased to announce several State and Federal deployments of HazMasterG3. In one case, Olympic Response Units from the 2002 Winter Olympics have replaced their legacy Hazmat/Chem/Bio response systems with HazMasterG3, and are now using the system on a regular basis.
Likewise, the Colorado State Patrol replaced their legacy WMD response system deployed state wide with HazMasterG3, as the old system proved to be inadequate for their current mission needs. This has been followed by the State of New Jersey, where they are currently upgrading from their legacy systems to HazMasterG3, where the Department of Emergency Services is standardizing on HazMasterG3.
At the Federal level, civilian, military and intelligence organizations have adopted HazMasterG3. Rigorous evaluation against their mission requirements have demonstrated the shortfalls of the other legacy systems when responding to chem/bio/WMD threats - particularly when dealing with unknown agents. These agencies are now in the process of updating their systems to HazMasterG3, which far surpasses the capabilities of the other legacy systems.
For more information on HazMasterG3 and why it leads the field for Chem/Bio/WMD Response, contact Alluviam LLC, 510-315-1974, or go to for more information.