Advanced decontamination and neutralization guidance for over 10,000 materials and tradenames, an expanded ordnance database and additional home made explosives precursors (HME) are just some of the new capabilities found in version 21 of Alluviam’s HazMasterG3 CBRNE/HME decision support...
HazMasterG3 Provides Critical Ricin Response Information
What can HazMasterG3TM tell you about Ricin? |
What do legacy systems suggest? |
HazMasterG3TM, with its unique 1-tap pop-up navigation provides instant access to critical Ricin response-related information (integrated from multiple authoritative sources) including:
Legacy systems just kick the can down the road, teling you to “access the “Biological Casualty Guide” (USAMRIID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook). There is a section on Ricin in the Biological Toxins section of the handbook.”
Wow - Note: the USAMRIID's guides are available for free. Leaves you scratching your head why anyone pay for what they could get for free! |
With HazMasterG3TM, you've got access to instant knowledge, embedded on your smart cell phone, handheld, tablet or laptop wherever you are, whenever you need it (no internet required).