Advanced decontamination and neutralization guidance for over 10,000 materials and tradenames, an expanded ordnance database and additional home made explosives precursors (HME) are just some of the new capabilities found in version 21 of Alluviam’s HazMasterG3 CBRNE/HME decision support...
DHS Subject Matter Experts Select HazMasterG3 for CEDAP
In June, 2006, Alluviam was invited by DHS to provide a presentation on HazMasterG3® to a board of subject matter experts, for evaluation and consideration for inclusion in the CEDAP approved catalog of anti-terror product offerrings. The Homeland Security Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP), is directed by the DHS Preparedness Directorate, Office of Grants and Training (G&T) to assist smaller communities in acquiring and using commercially available equipment to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorist attacks, as identified in state homeland security strategies. Alluviam was recently notified that its HazMasterG3® system has been selected as an approved CEDAP technology, and will become available within the CEDAP approved product catalog within the Responders Knowledge Base (RKB) around the start of August, 2006.